3d Printing Design Objects

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3D printing provides means for producing functional real-size objects. In addition to the skills related to 3D graphic design, students can gain. Oct 2, 2020 - 3d printed objects. See more ideas about 3d printer, 3d printed objects, 3d printer projects. Free 3D printing software helps you design and slice your objects without a cost. A free 3D printing software is a program that helps you design, slice or process your STL files to produce a 3D printed object without any cost. This page aims to give you a list of 3D printing software without charge.

  1. 3d Printing Design Objects For Beginners
  2. 3d Printing Object Files
ГлавнаяБаза знаний 'Allbest'Строительство и архитектура3D-printing of build objects - подобные работы
  • A new and advanced level in the domain of printing has come to our use with the arrival of 3d printing technology. A 3d printer simply follows a digital pattern on a computer aided design (CAD) to.
  • There is a new, updated version (2018) of this video.http://3DLessonplans.comhttp://tinkercad.com.

3d Printing Design Objects For Beginners

Studying of technology of 3D-printing of separate designs, buildings and constructions as a whole. Analysis of existing methods of creating physical objects by 3D printing and improvement of technology and equipment for printing buildings and structures.


Подобные документы

  • Architecture is the appearance of buildings and structures. Structural elements of buildings, the history of their origin, their importance in construction. Methods in construction: load-bearing wall, аrch, vault, dome, truss, framed structures.
    реферат, добавлен 18.01.2012

  • 2. Study of bearing structures strength reservation preventing possible progressive collapse of high-rise buildings

    Analysis of the methodology for calculating a multi-storey monolithic frame building for resistance to progressive collapse. Recommendations for identifying the structures to be strengthened, and measures that increase the viability of unique buildings.
    статья, добавлен 06.05.2018

  • 3. The study of buildings physical wear effecting comfortable climate environment in winter

    Changes in the microclimate of houses as the buildings wear out in winter. Analysis of housing stock, prospects for improving people's quality of life. An integrated building monitoring system based on structural and aerial studies of the environment.
    статья, добавлен 30.07.2017

  • 4. New wave of chinese architecture and construction. Review of the cpr most outstanding buildings

    The most outstanding buildings of the Chinese People's Republic for the last decade are observed. The contemporary projecting and construction techniques with the use of steel structures are analyzed for large-scale projects. Analyses of modem design.
    статья, добавлен 29.08.2016

  • 5. Self-healing concrete: definition, mechanism and application in different types of structures

    The approaches to create smart and enhance its properties while reducing the cost of overall use of the material. Factors that affect the use of self-healing concrete. Application in architectural designs and small-size and medium-sized buildings.
    статья, добавлен 27.02.2018

  • 6. Principles of formation of architecture of energy efficient residential buildings of average height

    The principles of formation of energy-efficient systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential buildings of medium height are considered. The analysis of requirements to modern systems of climate control of premises is carried out.
    статья, добавлен 04.02.2021

  • 7. Passive house as advanced technology in XXI century construction

    Description essentially 'passive house'. The basic construction methods, advanced technology and materials used in the creation of a Passive House. The main advantages of the Passive House. Analysis of the construction of Passive House in Belarus.
    доклад, добавлен 22.04.2015

  • Modern buildings require building heating device with the latest radiators and wiring. Administrative and commercial buildings of the 20th century stood out the low number of storeys and classical heating scheme apartment houses of old construction.
    статья, добавлен 10.03.2019

  • 9. The house of the Hrapovitsky county in the village of government of Murmetsov - the great model of the culture of russian nursing houses

    Description of the buildings of the Muromtsevo estate, designed in the same style and intended for housing, recreation, for various gardening, handicraft, industrial and forestry works. Can i delete voice instructions imperial zip. Creation of design of new real estate buildings by Peter Boitsov.
    статья, добавлен 29.04.2019

  • The application of methods of optimization during designing decorating architectural objects. The historical review of becoming of the theory of optimization as sciences from sources up to modern methods on the basis of author's schemes is resulted.
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3d Printing Object Files

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